Repatriation of Fallen Heroes Fighting In Ukraine
When we lost Canadian Veteran John Gallagher whom was KIA fighting ISIS in Syria, it was the first time in a long time we had a non serving member of our Canadian Armed Forces lost in combat.
We then also had a second, a civilian from Niagara Falls.
We made the decision that we as a Country needed to come together and repatriate these heroes the same way that we did with our serving members.
What followed was an outpouring of love and support for the families just like Canadians have done over the years for our serving members.
Sadly, we must think and plan for the worst in Ukraine, but we want to hope for the best.
We have laid out an operational plan surrounding this and have presented it to a very well-known member of the Canadian Ukrainian community.
They where very moved by this, and thanked us several times for doing this, and they know why this is important to do.
We are asking all of you to spread the word, that when and if this service is needed, to step up and show the fallen heroes and their families that we are there for them and will take care of bringing their loved one home.
We also suggested we fundraise as well and pay for the entire operation complete to the burial.
It is the least we can do.
We hope our plan gathers dust on the shelf and is never needed to be pulled down and implemented. #ukraine